Melissa Thorpe, Head of Spaceport Cornwall, poses in front of Cosmic Girl, the modified Boeing 747 on November 08, 2022 in Newquay, England.
Melissa Thorpe, head of Spaceport Cornwall, stands in front of Cosmic Girl, the modified Boeing 747.
  • Melissa Thorpe, a Spaceport boss, spoke about the criticism she gets as a woman in the space sector.
  • She said people have left her out of discussions and avoided asking her opinion at times.
  • The space industry is male-dominated, but Thorpe said she's questioning how things are done.

Working in the space industry is no easy business. It seems it's even harder if you're a woman.

Melissa Thorpe, head of Spaceport Cornwall in southern England, spoke to Insider about reaching the industry's top ranks.