Thane Telford
Thane Telford worked at a Walmart store in Payson, Utah, for 14 years before being fired in February 2023.
  • 84-year-old Thane Telford worked at Walmart for 14 years and said he was fired due to his age.
  • Walmart said Telford was fired because he did not fulfill all of his daily responsibilities.
  • The Payson, Utah, community where Telford lives is rallying around him and raising money for his family.

Thane Telford is a familiar face for Walmart shoppers in Payson, Utah.

The 84-year-old greeter, who often wore wacky hats to his job, said he loved working at the retail giant for roughly 14 years. After several different jobs that didn't allow him to save up for retirement – ranging from racehorse trainer to steelworker to welder – he landed at Walmart to help pay bills and medical expenses for him and his family.