national debt clock
Supporters of republican presidential candidate former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney stand next to a national debt clock during a rally at Exeter High School on January 8, 2012 in Exeter, New Hampshire.
  • A US debt crisis is an "imaginary" fear, and policymakers should focus on "real" problems, UC Berkeley economist Barry Eichengreen said.
  • He stressed the importance of investment, which could stimulate the economy and lighten the debt burden.
  • "Those who imagine an imminent debt crisis are making much ado about nothing."

Federal debts are rising, but a US debt crisis is an "imaginary" fear, according to UC Berkeley economist and former International Monetary Fund advisor Barry Eichengreen.

While lawmakers debate over lifting the government's $31.4 trillion debt ceiling, he urged them to direct their concerns to spending more on critical infrastructure needs.