Close view of an F9F Panther jet touching down on the deck of the USS Oriskany, tail hook engaging the arresting wire, smoke coming from impact of tires. Nov. 1952.
A close view of an F9F Panther jet touching down on the deck of the USS Oriskany, tail hook engaging the arresting wire, smoke coming from impact of tires, in November 1952.
  • An outgunned US Navy pilot downed four Soviet MiG-15 jets in a legendary dogfight over 70 years ago.
  • Royce Williams was flying an inferior F9F Panther.
  • Military aviation experts say Williams' success that day was a result of his training and readiness.

More than 70 years ago, a US Navy pilot took on seven Soviet aircraft — then among the world's best interceptor fighters — and shot down four of them in a legendary dogfight that was classified for decades.