Ben Foxall, data engineer at Wayve, an autonomous car AI startup
Ben Foxall in Wayve's London headquarters.
  • Ben Foxall is interested in how humans and tech work together.
  • He began working for Wayve, a startup that's using AI to teach cars to drive.
  • Foxall broke down how cars "learn" to drive and why he thinks it's the future.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Ben Foxall, a data engineer in London. It has been edited for length and clarity.

I'm a data engineer at Wayve, a self-driving-car AI company, where I run the robot web team. My team oversees the whole process of how self-driving cars work. We create interfaces — platforms where we can see the AI software and the car interacting — to see what's happening in Wayve's robot cars.