Workers at UC San Diego, some of which are holding signs, walk out.
Academic workers at UC San Diego walk out as thousands of employees at the University of California campuses have gone on strike in an effort to secure improved pay and working conditions in San Diego, California, on November 14, 2022.
  • About 120,000 workers walked out of the job in 2022 — roughly 40,000 more than in 2021.
  • Per new Bureau of Labor Statistics data, the number of major work stoppages that began in 2022 was higher than in 2021.
  • Policy analyst Margaret Poydock said there's renewed interest in the labor movement, and more actions could come this year.

Around 120,000 workers walked out in 2022, marking a 49% increase from 2021 — and a sign that workers' willingness to take action for what they want remains strong.