A photomontage shows paintings of a Egyptian sagitarius, a half-horse/half human creature that has wings, surrounded by paintings of constellations. A picture next to it shows a stylised painting of a scorpio surrounded by paintings of stars.
These two ancient Egyptian zodiac signs were uncovered in the Temple of Esna, Egypt. On the left is a Sagittarius, and on the right is a Scorpio.
  • Ancient Egyptian star signs were found under a thick layer of soot and dust in the Temple of Esna. 
  • The colors in the full set of Egyptian zodiac symbols are vivid after being protected by the grime.
  • They also found depictions of beasts, including a snake with a ram's head and a bird with a crocodile's head.

A rare full set of ancient Egyptian astrological symbols has been uncovered under 2,000 years' worth of grime in Luxor's Temple of Esna, in southern Egypt.