Ray Dalio on the Forum stage during day two of Web Summit 2018.
Ray Dalio.
  • With Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio stepping away, the firm's new leadership is making significant changes, Bloomberg reports.
  • Leadership will aim to invest in artificial intelligence and boost profitability.
  • The NYT reported in February that Dalio secretly negotiated to get billions from the firm for retiring without a fight. 

Bridgewater Associates' new leadership is making significant changes as Ray Dalio, its billionaire founder, steps back from duties, according to a Wednesday Bloomberg report.

The changes had started at the world's largest hedge fund even before Dalio ceded control five months ago. The new CEO, Nir Bar Dea, who joined Bridgewater in 2015, is aiming to increase returns and profitability with new priorities, including artificial intelligence.