nouriel roubini
Nouriel Roubini
  • Nouriel Roubini says the economy is headed for a crash. 
  • The "Dr. Doom" economist says interest rate hikes and a mountain of debt will lead the US into a recession.
  • In an interview with Bloomberg, Roubini broke down the "trilemma" markets are facing right now. 

The Federal Reserve's monetary tightening campaign is taking a serious toll on the US economy, famed market commentator Nouriel Roubini says, predicting that markets are heading towards a financial crash.

The central bank's efforts in the name of fighting inflation are an economic "megathreat," Roubini told Bloomberg TV on Friday.

"When interest rates go higher, the value of securities and loans is lower, and then we have mass liquidity and solvency problems," the economist said.