image of Andy Ogles waving in front of car with campaign signs
Tennessee Representative Andy Ogles in 2022.
  • Andy Ogles once raised more than $23,000 to create a burial garden for stillborn babies.
  • The Republican lawmaker says he didn't raise enough to build the garden, so he donated it to families in need, but didn't offer proof.
  • Ogles embellished details of his resume before he was elected, Insider reported.

Eight years ago, Andy Ogles raised more than $23,000 on GoFundMe to create a burial garden for stillborn babies, complete with a Jesus statue to watch over them.

But, the garden was never built and Ogles — now a freshman GOP congressman — hasn't offered proof of where the money went, according to multiple reports. 

Ogles set up the fundraiser in February 2014 after his son was stillborn.