Katie Macleod is taking a selfie with hot air balloons in the background.
Katie Macleod wants to visit at least 100 countries before turning 30.
  • Katie Macleod has traveled to 79 countries as a digital nomad. 
  • The 28-year-old graphic designer wants to visit 100 countries before turning 30.
  • She explains how she finds work using freelance platforms. 

This as-told-to article is based on a transcribed conversation with Katie Macleod, a 28-year-old digital nomad who wants to travel to at least 100 countries before turning 30. It has been edited for length and clarity.

I left my job as a graphic designer for an advertising agency in London in 2018 to pursue my passion for travel.

I was in Sri Lanka when the pandemic struck, making my goal of visiting 100 countries before turning 30 a bit more of a challenge.