Donald Trump and Michael Cohen.
Donald Trump and Michael Cohen.
  • Donald Trump's former fixer Michael Cohen gloated about Trump's indictment on CNN. 
  • "Since we're talking about convicted felons, see you on Tuesday, pal," Cohen said.
  • Trump's spokespeople have in previous statements to Insider called Cohen a "disbarred felon."

Michael Cohen, former President Donald Trump's one-time personal lawyer and fixer, gloated on CNN about how Trump may soon join him in the ranks of convicted felons. 

Speaking to CNN, Cohen admitted that he was a "convicted perjurer," a "convicted felon," and a "disbarred lawyer."

But Cohen — who Trump's spokespeople have previously labeled a "disbarred felon" in statements to Insider — also alluded on CNN to how the label of "felon" might soon apply to Trump, too.