Dr. Nouriel Roubini, a economics professor at New York University, speaks on stage during the 2022 Concordia Annual Summit in New York on September 21, 2022.
Nouriel Roubini.
  • A recession, debt crisis, and stagflation trifecta is going to strike the US economy this year, according to Nouriel Roubini.
  • Roubini, known for his doomsayer predictions on Wall Street, has warned for months that another financial crisis will hit markets.
  • Central bankers will have no choice but to quit their inflation fight, causing prices to spiral out of control, he warned.

A "perfect storm" is brewing in 2023, and a markets are going to get hit with a recession, debt crisis, and out-of-control inflation, according to "Dr. Doom" economist Nouriel Roubini.