Freight lorries are seen queueing as they wait to enter the port of Dover on the south coast of England on December 10, 2020, before boarding a ferry to Europe.
  • Hundreds of people are killed every year when they find themselves pulled underneath trucks. 
  • This type of crash could be prevented by a simple piece of equipment called a side underride guard. 
  • Despite years of calls for side guards, the Department of Transportation hasn't mandated them.

Former US diplomat Sarah Debbink Langenkamp and her family moved back to the US from their post in Ukraine over safety concerns following the Russian invasion. 

Just weeks later, on August 25, 2022, the 42-year-old mother of two was killed when a 13-ton flatbed truck turned right into the bike lane as Langenkamp was bicycling home from her sons' new elementary school in Bethesda, Maryland.