Jordan Frey and his wife
Jordan Frey moved to Buffalo three years ago.
  • Jordan Frey is a 35-year-old plastic surgeon who moved to Buffalo three years ago with his family.
  • He and his wife now save about 45% of their gross income each month. 
  • While he sometimes misses NYC, he says his family has a better quality of life now. 

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Jordan Frey, a 35-year-old plastic surgeon from Buffalo, New York about his relocation. Insider has verified his income with documentation. It's been edited for length and clarity.

Three years ago, my wife and I moved from New York City to Buffalo, New York with our two young children (we now have three). We were in pursuit of geographic arbitrage — the idea that even with the same amount of money, you can have a better quality of life by moving to an area with a lower cost of living.