Russian Foreign Ministry building is seen behind a social advertisement billboard showing Z letters .
Russian Foreign Ministry building is seen behind a social advertisement billboard showing Z letters .
  • A Russian military recruitment ad is telling viewers to be "a real man" and sign up for the war.
  • It features three burly civilian men donning Russian military gear.
  • UK intelligence says up to an estimated 60,000 Russian troops have died in Ukraine so far.

Russia's military recruitment ad is telling its male citizens to be "a real man" and serve as contract soldiers for the war in Ukraine — where up to an estimated 60,000 of Moscow's troops have died.

The video tells the viewer they're a "muzhik," which roughly translates to "real man." "Muzhik" can mean "peasant" or "serf," but in modern Russia, it's often used to convey the idea of a tough guy.