Young woman in green sweater smiling as she holds a tablet in an open office space.

There's a pocket of employees who save a lot in their employer-sponsored retirement plan. Meet the super savers — last year they saved a minimum of $17,550 or deferred 15% or more of their salary.1

Super savers: everywhere and anyone

Super savers come in all ages and income levels. In our research, 50% were age 40 or younger and 53% made less than $100K annually. Among Gen Z super savers (ages 18-25), 28% have an annual salary of less than $35K, with deferral rates of 15%+.

Super saving isn't so much about income — it's more about habits and lifestyle. Highly influenced by their parents and their upbringing, they understand that making long-term decisions or sacrifices now equates to the retirement they envision in the future.