Robot typing code onto a computer
Amir Khan thinks that there will be a significant increase in AI and machine learning technologies in the commercial sector by 2030.
  • Amir Khan is a deep tech investor who's known about ChatGPT for 10 years.
  • He lists three startups he wishes he had invested in years ago. 
  • Khan says that by 2030 AI and machine learning tech development will be commonplace.

As a venture capitalist in the deep tech sector and the managing partner at MARL Accelerator, I've reviewed over 5,000 early-stage companies and have been exposed to the latest technological advancements over the past few years.

With the way technology is advancing, things that exist now were once science fiction in the 80s and 90s. These technologies will continue to shape our world and enhance our lives in ways that we can't yet fathom.