Chicken McNuggets and French fries
A jury has found McDonald's liable after a 4-year-old sustained second-degree burns from a chicken nugget.
  • A jury has found McDonald's and a franchisee liable after a Florida couple alleged their child was burned by "dangerously hot" chicken nuggets.
  • The couple says their four-year-old daughter had second-degree burns after the nugget got stuck between her thigh and seat belt.
  • The family is seeking $15,000 in damages; a second trial will determine how much they receive.

McDonald's has been found liable after a couple in Florida say their four-year-old daughter was burned by a hot chicken nugget.

A jury returned a split verdict, finding that McDonald's and franchisee Upchurch Foods were liable for failing to provide instructions for the safe handling of hot food. The jury found that Upchurch Foods, but not McDonald's, was negligent.