Photo of Elvis Francois smiling whilst holding a ketchup bottle and Dominica flag
Elvis Francois ate ketchup and seasonings for 24 days while stranded at sea.
  • Heinz gave Elvis Francois another $9,900 this week on top of the almost $15,000 it donated in April.
  • He previously told Insider the initial donation wasn't enough to buy a GPS system for his new boat.
  • Francois survived weeks at sea on ketchup in January and Heinz wanted to help him get a new boat.

Heinz has given the "ketchup boat guy" more cash after its initial contribution wasn't enough to cover the cost of a new boat equipped with a navigation system. 

The company paid Elvis Francois $26,761 East Caribbean dollars ($9,900) on Tuesday so he could complete work on his boat.