A clear photo of the Delta Aquariids meteor shower over Mount St. Helens. The Milky Way, with its grey white clouds, lies in a vibrant streak against the indigo night sky. Streaks of bright white light criss cross the sky.
The Delta Aquariids meteor shower and Milky Way over Mount St. Helens, at Windy Ridge in Washington State with Mt. Hood, Oregon visible in the lower left corner. In 2023, it's occurring at the same time as the Alpha Capricornids shower.
  • The Delta Aquariids and Alpha Capricornids are predicted to peak on July 30 and 31. 
  • The Alpha Capricornids could produce dazzling fireballs, or extremely bright streaks in the sky.
  • Here's how to view both showers.

It's meteors galore this season, as two meteor showers are expected to peak this weekend, giving North Americans in the south the best views.