Peggy Gascon in a red suit
Peggy Gascon
  • Real-estate agent Peggy Gascon flipped all of her four Phoenix-area Airbnbs into long-term rentals.
  • She appreciates the "peace of mind" and stability as the short-term market shifts.  
  • Gascon keeps her rentals furnished, and is open to changing back to shorter rentals in the future.

Real-estate agent Peggy Gascon purchased a four-bedroom Scottsdale property in 2018 and set it up to be a "primo Airbnb" with a pool table, bocce court, putting green, and outdoor pool, she said. 

Today, however, it's rented to four recent college graduates who live in it year-round, each paying $1,125 a month. 

"I've been at this long enough to know markets go up, markets go down," she told Insider of her decision to switch.