Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer at Princeton, New Jersey on Nov. 4, 1957.
The physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer in Princeton, New Jersey.
  • In the 1940s, physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer led a team to develop the world's first atomic bomb.
  • His work garnered him the title "father of the atomic bomb," but he wasn't an obvious choice for its leader.
  • He was a complicated, intelligent man known for being condescending, volatile, and impractical.

J. Robert Oppenheimer was the architect behind the atomic bomb.

He spent decades working as a physics lecturer and made several notable scientific discoveries, including forecasting black holes thirty years before it became a common theory. 

He was called "Oppie" by colleagues and friends. He was a 6-foot-tall skinny man with a stoop. He could be condescending, volatile, and impractical.