A fossil of a Psittacosaurus dinosaur and Repenomamus mammal skeletons fighting, with the mammal on top and biting into the dinosaur
The Repenomamus is on top of the Psittacosaurus, biting into its ribs.
  • A new fossil shows a badger-like mammal biting into a dinosaur. 
  • The mammal was significantly smaller than the dinosaur and may have hunted in packs or solo.
  • Researchers thought dinosaurs attacked mammals, but this fossil suggests the reverse is true, too.

An ancient, badger-like animal had no fear taking down a larger dinosaur.

A new paper in Scientific Reports describes a fossil of the cat-sized mammal, Repenomamus robustus, locked in "mortal combat" with a Psittacosaurus that was three times as large. The Repenomamus was between 6 and 8 pounds and appears to be biting into the dinosaur.