An American Airlines plane sits at the gate.
An American Airlines plane sits at the gate.
  • Bahig Saliba was placed on administrative leave after a dispute over COVID-19 mask exemptions in 2021.
  • He says he was racially profiled by security officers at Spokane International Airport.
  • And he's seeking $23.5 million in damages in a lawsuit filed August 1.

An American Airlines pilot is suing Spokane International Airport in Washington state, as well as three security officers over a 2021 incident which saw him indefinitely suspended without pay.

Bahig Saliba filed the lawsuit in a Washington district court on August 1, seeking over $23.5 million in damages.

In the suit, he accuses the airport and officers of racially profiling him after he showed up without wearing a mask while an executive order mandating COVID-19 safety measures was in effect.