If you regularly play games on a PC, a good mouse will give you greater control over your cursor, add a few more buttons you can customize to your liking and generally make your downtime more comfortable. In competitive games, the best gaming mouse won’t magically make you unstoppable, but the faster response time and extra inputs should make for a more pleasurable and responsive experience.

The best gaming mouse for you will ultimately be a matter of preference – how well its shape fits your hand and how well its feature set suits your particular gaming needs. Over the past several months, though, we set out to find a few options for PC gaming that might fit the bill, be they for FPSes, MMOs or anything in between. After researching dozens of mice, testing around 20, and playing countless hours of Overwatch, CS: GO, Halo Infinite and Final Fantasy XIV (among others), here’s what we’ve found, with some general buying advice on top.