A small globe symbolizing the earth sits in a trash bin full of thrown away bunches of paper. The trash bin is sandwiched in between two large gray file cabinets in front of a dull beige wall.
Return to office mandates also come with a return to dirty, carbon-emitting commutes.

Push to end work-from-home could make climate crisis worse

Rachel really hates sitting in traffic. Knowing she's about to spend up to an hour and a half in her car that day staring at taillights in front of her makes it all the more difficult to wake up in the morning.

She had a remote position over the past few years, but landed a new job in February at a nonprofit, which came with a catch: The job required her to make the hike to its Silver Spring, Maryland, office at least two days a week — forcing her to commute 30 to 45 minutes each way.