Sophie London in Toronto.
Sophie London lived in Airbnbs in six different cities for a year until she found one that truly felt right.
  • Sophie London is an associate creative director who is now based in San Diego. 
  • She tried living in six cities: Nashville, Austin, Chattanooga, Montreal, Toronto, and San Diego. 
  • Living out of a suitcase was tough, but doing test runs gave her confidence to know when a city truly was a fit. 

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Sophie London, a 30-year-old associate creative director at Team Lewis from San Diego, California about her relocation. It's been edited for length and clarity.

Since the age of two, I've called Massachusetts home. I loved Boston. In a way, I took pride in my ability to say I was from Boston —it says you have some pretty thick skin.