Left: Shelby Smith, right: Curaçao
Shelby Smith. At right, Curaçao at sunset.
  • Shelby Smith took a six-month career break and traveled to Curaçao, a Dutch Caribbean island.
  • Smith fell in love and moved from Portland, Oregon, to Curaçao permanently to start her family.
  • She described the pros and cons of relocating and highlighted some of her monthly expenses.

This as-told-to is based on a transcribed conversation with Shelby Smith. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

In 2013 I moved from Portland, Oregon, to Aitutaki in the Cook Islands after college for four months to teach English. It's a tiny island of about 2,000 people.

Being alone without my friends or family gave me anxiety bad enough to turn to medication. However, I didn't want this experience to stop me from traveling.