Mitch McConnell
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.
  • Mitch McConnell was heckled at the annual Fancy Farm picnic in Kentucky this past weekend.
  • Booing is not unusual at Fancy Farm, but McConnell spoke after a much publicized health scare.
  • The veteran GOP leader has committed to serving in his leadership role through the 2024 elections.

As Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Saturday stepped onstage at Fancy Farm — the premier political event in Kentucky — he was repeatedly met with jeers to "retire."

Such a reception is not unusual for McConnell, one of the most polarizing figures in US politics.

And the reception is definitely not unusual at the Fancy Farm picnic, where Democrats and Republicans have their most fervent supporters cheer and boo candidates from opposing parties during the oft-raucous event.