Reconstruction of Perucetus colossus in its coastal habitat, a manatee-like ancient whale with a tiny head and small limbs
Since its skull and limbs were missing, much about Perucetus colossus remains a mystery.
  • A new species of ancient whale, Perucetus colossus, was a giant of the ocean. 
  • It may have weighed twice as much as a blue whale because of its dense bones.
  • Researchers hypothesize that it was a slow swimmer that lived in coastal waters. 

Roughly 39 million years ago, a slow-moving giant glided in shallow, coastal waters, potentially feeding on mollusks and crustaceans.

In 2010, paleontologist Mario Urbina found fossilized remains of this ancient animal, a new species of basilosaurid whale called Perucetus colossus.

The remains were unusual, gigantic bones in the Pisco Basin in southwestern Peru. The partial skeleton included 13 vertebrae, four ribs, and a hip bone.