U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks at Prince George's Community College on September 14, 2023 in Largo, Maryland.
U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks at Prince George's Community College on September 14, 2023 in Largo, Maryland.
  • Americans are feeling dreary about the economy, even though data shows it's booming.
  • Biden's economic agenda has meant real changes for many Americans, like clean water and internet access.
  • The changes aren't as visible as, say, broad student-debt relief, no one seems to care.

Ridgeland, South Carolina, has two new fire trucks.

The pandemic taxed the tiny town's aging fire department, and it needed improvements but lacked the budget, said Fire Chief Bradley Bonds.

"The air packs and different things that we were using were 20 something years old, so this was a huge upgrade for that and to be able to help us move forward," Bonds said.