Lila Snyder
Bose Lila Snyder
  • As CEO of Bose, Lila Snyder is focused on sound and how we consume content. 
  • Snyder embraces "the discomfort of something new and something challenging." 
  • Bose thinks of its core customers, not in terms of demographics, but as a music lover.

Bose CEO Lila Snyder stepped into her job during one of the most difficult times in business history. It was September 2020, during the COVID pandemic.

As much of the world adjusted to working from home, supply chains got disrupted, and consumers consumed more content, Snyder had to focus on one important idea: sound.

"Sound is what matters so much at Bose," she told me. "If you think about the way that we're consuming content, it's getting more and more challenging. The formats are different. The quality of the content is different. We're consuming it on the go and in some harsh environments."