Republican Rep. Michael McCaul (left) and Democratic Rep. Gregory Meeks (right), the chairman and ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Republican Rep. Michael McCaul (left) and Democratic Rep. Gregory Meeks (right), the chairman and ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
  • The House Foreign Affairs Committee will hold a hearing next Thursday on AUMFs.
  • That tees up a potential repeal of the more than 20-year-old law, which authorized the Iraq war.
  • The Senate easily passed a bill to do just that earlier this year, but it's stalled in the House.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee will hold a hearing next week on repealing the law that authorized the disastrous US invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Committee spokeswoman Leslie Shedd confirmed that the hearing would take place, and that more details will be announced on Thursday morning.