Elena Brandt, co-founder of Beample, and her family.
Elena Brandt moved to Florida with her Russian-native husband who teaches at Florida State University.
  • Elena Brandt grew up in Moscow and moved to Florida in 2018 with her husband. 
  • She got her PhD at Florida State University and now works as a startup founder. 
  • Brandt found the States' limited maternity leave and willingness to apologize surprising. 

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Elena Brandt, the Russian-born founder of Besample, about her move to the United States. It's been edited for length and clarity.

In 2017, I worked as a communications manager for Yandex, a tech company in Moscow, where I had lived since birth. I wasn't excited about the direction of Russia's political regime, so I applied for an O-1 visa to the U.S.