Brett Alder
Brett Alder.
  • Brett Alder moved to Austin, Texas, for work and regrets the choice. 
  • He says there are negatives like pricey utilities, oppressive heat, and a lack of public space.
  • Alder also says that Austinites are rude. 

A lot of people, including myself, move from California to Austin because of the hype and the perception that California and Austin are reasonably comparable in lifestyle. My family and I found that to be far from the case.

Here's what we learned, or 10 reasons that Austin is not the "California of Texas." But first, what does Austin have in common with California?

Austin, like California, is not affordable.

The thing that California and Austin definitely have in common is that they're both very expensive. Austin is not cheap. Let the words sink in. Austin is not cheap; it's actually quite expensive.