Bill Gross
Bill Gross.
  • Investors are overlooking the risk to stocks from a sharp rise in real bond yields, Bill Gross says.
  • The "Bond King" is skeptical the Fed will achieve 2% inflation and cut interest rates anytime soon.
  • Gross warned the US economy relies on asset prices rising, putting it at risk if they don't.

Investors are shrugging off a key risk to the stock market, and putting too much faith in the Federal Reserve, Bill Gross says.

Yields from 5-year Treasuries have surged from about 2.1% to 4.4% over the past 18 months, while inflation has slowed from 7% to below 4% over the same period. The "incredible" surge in real yields has lessened the relative appeal of stocks, as investors can now earn a solid, risk-free return from bonds even after accounting for inflation, Gross said.