A woman with blonde hair faces the camera in an Oculus Rift virtual reality headset
  • The system that helped grow VR's popularity was the Oculus Rift. 
  • Meta's VR division discontinued the Rift in 2020 to focus on the Oculus Quest system.
  • On paper, the Quest is superior to the Rift, but which device suits you is personal.

In the 1992 psychological thriller "The Lawnmower Man," the titular character transcends the physical plane and enters into a virtual reality.

"Virtual reality will grow, just as the telegraph grew to the telephone, as the radio to the TV — it will be everywhere," he says in the film.

The quote was at least semi-prescient. Virtual reality, or VR, is very much a part of our world today, and the system that helped grow its popularity was the Oculus Rift.