Jerome Powell
  • Investors expecting the secular bull market to continue will likely be disappointed, RBA said.
  • The S&P 500 has gained 389% since 2010, with the tech sector alone soaring 847% in that time.
  • There are a number of precedents that suggest those gains are unlikely to be repeated, RBA said. 

Wall Street became "Easy Street" in the years after the financial crisis, and investors who got used to sitting back and watching the returns pile up are in for something different in the coming years. 

The market's bull run since 2010 was too good to last, according to Richard Bernstein Advisors. In a note on Thursday, RBA deputy CIO Dan Suzuki pointed to the stock market's long-running growth trend following the 2008 crisis, with S&P 500 soaring 389% since 2010, and the tech sector alone skyrocketing 847%.