Ukrainian soldiers work on the tank gun of a Leopard 1 A5 main battle tank
Ukrainian soldiers work on the tank gun of a Leopard 1 A5 main battle tank.
  • Ukraine's armor arsenal was bolstered by Western tanks like the German-made Leopard ahead of the counteroffensive.
  • A gunner with the 47th Mechanized Brigade says these vehicles are vastly superior to Soviet tanks.
  • The main advantage Vladyslav said is "crew survivability."

A Ukrainian tank gunner said in a video interview that he likes the new German-made Leopard tanks more than old Soviet ones because he and his crew are less likely to die horribly if the vehicle takes a hit.

Vladyslav, a member of the 47th Mechanized Brigade that has been pushing through Russian defenses on the front lines near Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region, started off fighting in a T-64.