A picture of the Convair F-106 Delta Dart
The Convair F-106 Delta Dart "Cornfield Bomber" suffered little damage when it landed in a farmer's field in Montana after its pilot ejected.
  • An F-35 that went missing in South Carolina may have flown on autopilot for a time after its pilot ejected, though it's still unclear.
  • There have been other similarly strange incidents.
  • In 1970, an aircraft nicknamed the "Cornfield Bomber" pulled off a surprising unmanned landing with only minor damage after it's pilot bailed out.

It's possible that a F-35 stealth fighter that went missing over South Carolina flew on its own for a time after its piloted ejected. A little over fifty years ago, the US military encountered a similarly bizarre situation with a plane that landed itself and was later nicknamed the "Cornfield Bomber."