A row of townhomes in South Florida.
Natalia and John felt the pressures of the rising costs in South Florida and felt the need to relocate.
  • Florida residents Natalia and John were increasingly squeezed by rising insurance and utility costs.
  • They fled to Wisconsin after their homeowners insurance premium doubled, seeing no end in sight.
  • As lifelong Floridians they didn't want to leave but chose their family over their homestead.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with John, 41, and Natalia, 38, who asked that only her first name be used for privacy reasons, about their decision to move from Plantation, Florida, a city just outside of Fort Lauderdale, to Dell Prairie, Wisconsin, 127 miles from Milwaukee. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

Natalia: In 2016 my husband and I purchased the home I grew up in in Plantation, Florida, from my parents.