EC-37B Compass Call electronic warfare
An EC-37B Compass Call at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona in August 2022.
  • The Russian and Ukrainian militaries have made extensive use of electronic-warfare capabilities.
  • Both sides have used EW to interfere with the other's communications and drones, among other tasks.
  • The US military is watching that unfold and intensifying efforts to improve its own EW capabilities.

Electronic warfare has become a major factor in the Ukraine war, with each side using it to jam the other's radios and radars and to knock their drones out of the sky.

The value of electronic-warfare capabilities is not a new lesson, but the war in Ukraine has shown how quickly those capabilities, and means of countering them, have evolved. That's why the US Air Force is eager to deploy a new generation of electronic-warfare aircraft and drones.