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Dogecoin was started as a joke in 2013.
  • A physical dogecoin token is due to take a trip to the moon aboard Astrobotic's Peregrine Mission One.
  • The lunar lander will be launched by a ULA rocket scheduled to take off next month. 
  • Dogecoin initially jumped 12% following the news but later pared back gains.

The latest move for dogecoin? Going lunar.

Next month, Pittsburgh-based space robotics company Astrobotic is planning to send a physical DOGE token to the moon. Literally.

Funded in part by dogecoins, the token will travel aboard Astrobotic's Peregrine Mission One lunar lander, which will carry payloads from governments, companies, universities, and NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative.

Also among the cargoes is the DHL Moonbox, which is a box of mementos that will contain the physical dogecoin as well.