Elon Musk.
Elon Musk.
  • Elon Musk once banned meetings of more than two employees at X, author of "Breaking Twitter" says.
  • Ben Mezrich told Business Insider that Musk was paranoid while CEO of X, formerly Twitter.
  • He said Musk was afraid staff were going to sabotage the site or hatch a plot to bring him down.

Elon Musk grew so paranoid when he was CEO of X, formerly Twitter, that he banned meetings of more than two employees, the author of "Breaking Twitter" told Business Insider.

"There's a lot of examples of Elon spiraling out of control," Ben Mezrich said in an interview. "He got so paranoid at one point that he disallowed any meetings of more than two people at Twitter because he was afraid of a mutiny."