Boeing 747 cargo plane
The horse was being transported on a Boeing 747 cargo plane.
  • A horse managed to escape its stall shortly after a cargo plane took off from JFK on November 9. 
  • One of the pilots told air traffic controllers the horse could not be secured and asked to return. 
  • Audio of the request was posted on YouTube by the You can see ATC channel.

A cargo plane had to return to JFK after a horse broke loose and the crew couldn't get it back in its stall.

Air Atlanta Icelandic flight 4592 took off at 2.30 p.m on November 9 on its way to Liege, Belgium.

The Boeing 747 climbed to about 31,000 feet when a pilot called air traffic control to say that a horse had escaped from its stall and that they needed to return to JFK.