Terry Richardson
Photographer Terry Richardson in New York City.
  • Terry Richardson sexually abused a model on two separate occasions in 2004, a new lawsuit alleges.
  • Donald Trump's modeling agency waved off her concerns, according to the suit.
  • Richardson published photos of the alleged abuse in a book and gallery.

Sometime in 2004, Minerva Portillo had a meeting with Terry Richardson in his downtown Manhattan studio.

Richardson was one of the most famous fashion photographers in the world, going on to work for the likes of Tom Ford, Vogue, Vanity Fair, and Yves Saint Laurent.

Portillo, 22 years old at the time, had just moved to New York from Spain and was excited for the next phase in her modeling career.

Richardson appeared enthusiastic at the idea of working with Portillo, but she left the meeting feeling perturbed, according to a lawsuit she filed Wednesday.