africa shipwreck lake huron
Filmmakers Yvonne Drebert and Zach Melnick discovered the wreck of the "Africa" in Lake Huron.
  • Filmmakers shooting footage of invasive mussels in Lake Huron found a shipwreck from 1895.
  • The "Africa" had been carrying coal from Ohio to Ontario, and was carrying 11 sailors.
  • The wreck is covered in invasive quagga mussels that are altering the Great Lakes' ecosystem.

A pair of filmmakers who spent two years shooting footage for a documentary about invasive mussels in the Great Lakes accidentally discovered a 128-year-old shipwreck that vanished in 1895.

The wreck is believed to be the "Africa," which was carrying coal — along with 11 doomed sailors — from Ohio to Ontario in October of 1895, before disappearing into Lake Huron amid an early season snowstorm, according to the filmmakers.