A journalist sitting on the drivers seat of an Audi during a test drive on a closed part of the motorway A9 near Ingolstadt, Germany, 12 May 2016. During the so-called piloted driving, the car takes over full control, breaks and accelerates, uses signals and changes lanes while keeping a sufficient distance to cars in the front.
Audi's Pre Sense technology takes over the brakes if it detects a potential emergency.
  • An Audi driver claimed that their car's driver assistance system almost killed them.
  • The car detected a threat and stopped in the middle of a busy highway, the driver says. 
  • New safety technologies have reduced crash rates, but errors have exposed companies to lawsuits.

An Audi owner has claimed that their car's collision detection technology put her family's life in danger when it caused the car to suddenly stop in the middle of a highway.