Downtown Provo at sunset with shops and trees lining main street and mountains in the background.
Provo, Utah, is a city that's growing in population in part due to its natural beauty and its thriving tech scene.
  • Provo, Utah, keeps appearing on lists of the best places to live in the US.
  • The 113,000-person city has natural beauty and relatively affordable home prices of about $450,000.
  • A nearby tech scene dubbed Silicon Slopes helps boost the job market.

Tucked between the Rocky Mountains and the edge of Utah Lake, the small city of Provo, Utah, is a dreamy place to live for nature lovers.

Jean Tanner told Business Insider that living 20 minutes from the slopes has its perks.

"You can go snowboarding all morning, come back down, and still get to work by 11," said Tanner, a local real-estate agent.